Selling soap to the masses,

Trudeau machine carries on

Jan 14, 2025 – Why does a government with a gargantuan civil service hire consultants by the bushel? It screams that the bureaucracy is hopelessly incompetent. A bureaucracy fixated on diversity, equity, and inclusion may consist of people who cannot carry out the duties of their position.

When merit-based competency is removed from hiring and promotion decisions, the civil service cannot respond to its employer's needs. Civil servants don’t suffer annual appraisals of their abilities. As a result, they have no idea if they meet the criteria for their position or what areas they need to improve to qualify for advancement.

They are placeholders struggling for advancement based on popularity, like a social media platform where your worth is measured in the number of followers you have hoodwinked into believing that your opinions matter.

It is disturbing that the government refuses to follow its guidelines of putting all contracts out to tender. Mark Carney, Diana Fox Carney, and Gerald Butts are all Trudeau's advisors. They do not work for nothing. Butts is Vice Chairman of the Eurasia Group.    

The original Natural Resources contract was valued at $224,495. However, in February 2024, the Eurasia Group was awarded a sole-source contract for $446,210, a 98.7% increase over the original contract value. We can conclude that those who provide financial support to the party expect a return on investment, and a lucrative government contract will do nicely.

We recall the early 2000 Sponsorship Scandal (AdScam or Sponsorgate), which led to Prime Minister Jean Chretien's resignation. We also remember the “WE” Charity scandal in 2020, in which Finance Minister Bill Morneau was found guilty of breaching ethics rules and failing to follow Treasury Board directives. Nothing was learned, and sole-source contracting continues unabated.

Trudeau’s resignation is trivial. The party machine will carry on without him. Whoever replaces him will hire consultants to paint the new leader as a reformer of consequence. 

Remember the advertising by Proctor & Gamble when it accidentally produced Ivory soap:
A factory worker who forgot to shut off the soap-making machine when he left for lunch inadvertently improved the product. When he returned, the soap mixture was frothy due to the air that had been whipped into it, and the resulting soap cakes floated in water.

There was immediate demand for the "floating soap." After considering many names for the new product, Harley Procter, son of the founder, finally named the soap "Ivory" after Psalms 45:8: "All thy garments smell of myrrh and aloes and cassia, out of the ivory palaces whereby they have made thee glad."

Chemical analyses of the soap in 1882 revealed that 56/100 of the ingredients were not pure soap. Harley Procter subtracted that amount from one hundred and the slogan "99 and 44/100% pure" was born.

The first ads appeared in 1882 in The Independent, a weekly newspaper. Innovations in production, distribution, and market research contributed to Procter & Gamble's success.

These are the federal taxes

set to rise in 2025

Jan 6, 2025 – Several aspects of this taxation mess are disturbing. Most obviously, we are not receiving services for the levied taxes. Our health care system is broken. Our safety and security have been compromised. Violent crime has increased rapidly.

The GST tax break is unevenly distributed. Taxpayers in Ontario and the Atlantic provinces where the GST and PST are blended have the entire tax burden waived, while the remaining provinces still must pay provincial taxes. That is unfair.

There is no funding to offset the $2.7 billion GST tax holiday, so the funds must be borrowed and added to the payments for debt servicing.   

There is no scientific evidence that airborne carbon dioxide is the sole driver of climate change or global warming. Simply because the IPCC refuses to consider any other factor does not make its theory rational or true.

Other factors include radiation from the sun and the varying distances between the earth’s and the sun’s orbits. Water vapour, not carbon dioxide, is our primary protection from the sun’s radiation. Water vapour in clouds and the upper atmosphere reflects the sun’s radiation into deep space.

It is ridiculous to believe that one nation with a tiny fraction of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions can have any effect on climate change. This proves that our government is incapable of critical thinking and too lazy to conduct scientific research with due diligence.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has published a list of a series of tax increases for 2025, published in The Western Standard.


The hikes include higher payroll contributions, increased carbon taxes, and automatic alcohol tax adjustments, raising concerns about the growing cost of living.

“Tax hikes will give Canadians a hangover in the new year,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director.

“In 2025, the Trudeau government will yet again take more money out of Canadians’ pockets with payroll tax hikes and will make life more expensive by raising carbon taxes and alcohol taxes.”

Payroll Taxes
Mandatory Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) contributions will increase in 2025. The changes will cost workers up to $403 more annually, with federal payroll taxes totaling $5,507 for individuals earning $81,200 or more. Employers will also see their share rise to $5,938 per employee.

Carbon Tax
     The federal carbon tax is set to rise on April 1, increasing to about 21 cents per litre of gasoline, 25 cents per litre of diesel, and 18 cents per cubic metre of natural gas. According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, the tax will cost the average household between $133 and $477 in 2025-26, even after accounting for rebates.

Alcohol Taxes
     Alcohol taxes will increase by 2% on April 1 under the federal alcohol escalator tax. The automatic annual tax hike, introduced in the 2017 federal budget, has cost taxpayers more than $900 million since its implementation, according to Beer Canada. The 2025 increase is expected to add another $40.9 million to that total.

Temporary Sales Tax Holiday
     In a move to provide some relief, the federal government announced a two-month sales tax holiday on specific items, including pre-made groceries, children’s clothing, and snacks. The holiday, which ends on Feb. 15, is expected to save taxpayers $2.7 billion.

“Canadians pay too much tax because the government wastes too much money,” said Terrazzano. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should drop his plans to take more money out of Canadians’ pockets and deliver serious tax relief.”

The report also highlights recent tax changes introduced in Budget 2024, such as increases in capital gains taxes and the implementation of a digital services tax and an online streaming tax.

The key provincial tax change expected for Alberta is a reduction in the income tax rate.

“The Alberta government promised to reduce our lowest income tax bracket from 10 down to eight per cent and we expect the government to keep that promise in the new year,” said Kris Sims, CTF Alberta Director.

“The United Conservatives said this provincial income tax cut would save families about $1,500 each and Alberta families need that kind of tax relief right now."

“Premier Danielle Smith promised to cut taxes and Albertans expect her to deliver.”


Trudeau jokes he has

12 more years as PM

Jan 4, 2025 – Pierre Trudeau left the Liberal Party and politics on February 29, 1984. He had accomplished his primary goal, which was to implement revenge against what he considered to be the discrimination against Quebec by English Canadians.

Justin Trudeau has no discernable goals other than the destruction of Canada. Like his father, Justin admires communism, but unlike his father, Justin is a psychopath.

Psychopaths tend to be power-hungry and may spend a lot of time and effort attaining positions where they can control, dominate, and have authority over others. Once they obtain power, they commonly misuse and abuse it in ways that are irresponsible, destructive, and harmful to others. They are often caught telling lies, exaggerating or distorting the facts, or misrepresenting the truth to get what they want. When caught in a lie or confronted about dishonesty, they will use denial, projection, or redirection to squirm out of accountability. They aren’t held back by reservations, moral and ethical principles, or concern for others, and there are few lines they won’t cross to reach a goal.

In 1984, the internet was still experimental. Access to information was easily managed, and a Prime Minister could hide his actions, aims, and objectives from the public. In 2024, Justin Trudeau operates in a goldfish bowl, and his missteps are easily unearthed.

Justin Trudeau self-destructed in 2015 when he was caught imposing his will on his Attorney General, seeking to protect SNC-Lavalin from prosecution for illegal activities. When confronted with his deceit, Justin refused to accept accountability: “Trudeau told reporters on Wednesday he has accepted responsibility for what happened, but can’t apologize because, as he has maintained throughout the affair, his actions were aimed at trying to protect jobs and the Canadian economy.”

Nothing was redeeming about his abuse of power. He demanded to get his way without consideration of its effect on others.


In a podcast released Monday night Justin joked that his father still had twelve years as prime minister when he was his age — so why should he take his walk in the snow so soon? See Jen Hodgson’s commentary in the Western Standard.



Time to raise our voices

and demand accountability


Dec. 30, 2024 – There is only one crucial question for candidates in the 2025 election: “Will you be accountable to the people who elected you to represent them?” Any response other than “yes” requires us to look at what minority party fields candidates in our riding and cast our vote there.  

The legacy parties, Bloc, Conservative, Liberal, and NDP, will see their share of the vote shrink. By 2029, they will see that their shrinking share makes forming a majority government impossible.

The media frenzy over the disaster resulting from Chrystia Freeland’s resignation from the Liberal cabinet was hilarious. No one outside the cloistered Ottawa bubble is surprised by the dismay of the elitist, ideology-driven Liberals and its politicized civil service and institutions.

Canadians have known for years that the liberal train was off the tracks and had gone over a cliff. Working people and entrepreneurs who pay the bills ignore what the liberals have to say. Years of overspending coupled with uncontrolled inflation are not sustainable.           

Over the last 50 years, we have had 14 federal elections (eight won by Liberals, six by Conservatives). Politicians promise us a better future if we elect them to power. The only thing that has changed is that our lives are increasingly difficult as each decade passes.

Freeland expects Trudeau to resign as Prime Minister to avoid the anticipated catastrophe in the next election. That would allow Freeland to compete for the top job in 2029.

The federal debt doubled from $619.3 billion in 2015-16, Trudeau's first year in government, to $1.491 trillion in 2023-24. That is 2.4 times the deficit accumulated from Confederation to the start of Trudeau’s regime.

 There is no offsetting income, so the accrued debt must be borrowed, leading to insolvency and the International Monetary Fund's takeover of Canada’s finances. Unelected WEF bureaucrats would run our economy. We would never recover.

Our police-reported crime rate increased by 25.4% from 2015 to 2023. That figure is low because many property crimes – burglaries, holdups and thefts are not reported to the police. Individuals don’t report because they know they will never recover their property, and businesses don’t report because they don’t want their insurance premiums to increase.

Violent crime in Canada has seen the most significant increase compared to all other crime categories in the last 10 years of recorded incidents, rising 30 percent in a decade.

 Violent crimes are all those carried out or threatened against the body of another, such as assault.

 According to an analysis by The Hub, in 2023, there were 1,427 crimes committed per 100,000 people, compared to 2013, when the rate was 1,095.

 Just over half (55 percent) of Canadians want violent crime to be a top priority for government decision-makers, and even more (78 percent) believe Canada’s justice system has been too lenient with those found guilty of such crimes, according to a 2023 Leger survey.

 Some of the key highlights from the Leger survey:

55% of Canadians want violent crime, such as murder and assault, to be the top priority for government decision-makers to tackle when it comes to crime in Canada, followed by illegal firearm possession (41%) and drug and substance abuse (37%).

A substantial majority (72%) of Canadians believe the drug crisis in their community is serious, with 1 in 3 (31%) considering it very serious.

79% of Canadians agree there are too many repeat violent offenders being offered bail, and 78% agree that the justice system is too lenient when it comes to those found guilty of committing a violent crime.  

91% of Canadians agree that repeat violent criminal offenders should have their access to bail severely restricted or revoked.

A significant proportion of Canadians (73%) agree with restricting bail even if it could lead to challenges in interpreting our Charter of Rights, and 40% strongly agree.  

Repeat violent offenders being offered bail is a key concern of those surveyed (79 percent). In 2022, 29 per cent of homicides were committed by someone on some form of release, such as house arrest or parole.
     Violent Crime is not confined to large cities. The ten most dangerous smaller centres, ranked in order with the most hazardous first, are:

1. Terrace,    

2. Port Alberni,
3. Wetaskiwin, AB
4. Red Deer, AB
5. Dawson Creek,
6. Fort St. John, 
7. Selkirk, MB
8. North Battleford, SK
9. Prince Albert, SK
10. Thompson, MB

The main driver of high risks in these communities is a combination of low opportunities for employment, limited recreational facilities, hopelessness leading to drug addiction, drug dealers looking for areas with low police resources, poverty, homelessness, transient populations and economic instability. All have violent crime rates above the national average.   

Our governments don’t care about our safety and security. We are now spending more on national debt interest payments than national defence. They divide our society into competing factions to get more unearned grants and subsidies.

It’s disturbing that government officials are the most potent crooks in a nation overrun by criminals, not in prison where they belong.

It is disturbing that drug dealers have compromised our justice system, and our prisons cannot control drug dealers operating within their walls.

The night is always darkest just before the dawn. In 2025, we will elect conservatives. Pierre Poilievre shows every indication of putting Canada’s best interest first. He will need at least two terms to dismantle the liberal system and rebuild confidence in the investor class.

Canada is sitting on a huge deposit of rare earth components. The federal government has belatedly (Dec.20, 2024) recognized this. 

This government can’t organize a drunken party in a brewery. $10 million in funding is ridiculously low when we need billions in investment.

 Rare earth elements (REE) are a group of 17 elements, including the 15 elements of the lanthanide series on the periodic table of elements, together with the transition metals scandium and yttrium. The latter two elements exhibit similar properties to the lanthanides and are found in the same ore bodies. REEs are key components in many electronic devices that we use in our daily lives and in various industrial applications.

  • Canada has some of the largest known reserves and resources (measured and indicated) of rare earths in the world, estimated at over 15.2 million tonnes of rare earth oxide in 2023.

  • Manufacturing permanent magnets is the most extensive global use for REEs, accounting for 44% of total demand in 2022.

  • China is the world’s largest producer, with an estimated 210,000 tonnes of mined REEs and 175,000 tonnes of refined REEs in 2022, accounting for 70% of global mined production and 87% of global refined production.

  • Many countries, including Canada, have rare earth reserves and resources, but producing REE metals requires complex separation and refining processes.

Canada has large deposits of ‘heavy’ REEs, which the USA needs to manufacture computer chips. The recent investment by a Japanese billionaire of $200 billion, creating 100,000 jobs, increases its need to obtain REEs from a friendly nation. We can break China’s stranglehold on REEs, but not without making an investor-friendly climate in Canada.

The world supply of refined REE by region in 2022. China has most of the refined REE (87.2%), followed by Asia Pacific, excluding China (11.1%), Europe (1.6%), and North America (0.1%).

The ‘Ring of Fire’ is located in NW Ontario, not far from the Manitoba - Ontario border. We can reactivate the mothballed dam construction in Manitoba and build a high-tension DC power corridor to Ontario. Ontario electrical rates are ridiculously high and are not viable in the ‘Ring of Fire.’ The result will be many jobs for many people – a win-win.

We need to consider selling bonds to Canadians as seed money to create secondary processing plants to enhance the value of our exported raw materials. The advantage of having the funds stay in Canada and thus boosting our economy should not be overlooked.       

We must give Pierre Poilievre at least two terms to rebuild investor confidence. The Liberal's imbecilic drive to jam climate change, which adds to inflation, down our throats has to be dismantled, along with the billions spent on ‘green energy’ that has proven unworkable in every nation that has tried it.

We can’t achieve our goals without a return to free enterprise. Competition drives down prices and encourages innovation. We have the potential to renew Canada’s economic prospects, provided that we dare to seize the moment. Poilievre will show us if he can turn his position into positive change. I bet that he can and will.

We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines. Please note the opening paragraphs above. We can change our future by raising our voices and demanding representative accountability. We, the people, can speak up and resurrect the nation our forefathers left us as a legacy. 



Trudeau, Singh, Carney and the Canadian Church of Wokeism

     241016 – We live in a surreal world most Canadians over 40 don’t recognize. At least two generations have been demanding rights, but there is no whisper about the responsibilities. We are responsible for our actions and behaviours.

     Respect is earned, not bestowed. The media mob is busily lulling us into believing that the Trudeau regime means well for us. Perhaps so, but its blind adherence to the mantras of the World Economic Forum suggests otherwise.

     Another signal that all is not well for us is that laws were introduced as part of the budget, with an initial cost estimate of $1,562,872,215 ($1.56 billion). Almost every department is affected, and dozens of other laws have been amended.

     The laws passed create an Orwellian system where the government imposes censorship, which, in effect, decides what media and internet content we are allowed to access. I was shocked when I tried to access a Facebook message from a long-time friend in Texas. I received a note advising that since the post referred to a news item, it could not be accessed in Canada.

     It is not unreasonable to suggest that we will find that those who disagree with the Trudeau regime will be similarly censored. The fundamental freedom of public expression is intrinsic to democracy. The cure for speech we dislike is more speech. We need to question the answers if we don’t like the answers.

Aug. 26, 2024

Taxpayers charged premium for

Québec-made COVID ventilators

now junked as scrap metal


The Western Standard reports that taxpayers were billed top dollar for Québec-made COVID-19 ventilators that were later discarded as scrap metal. Access to Information records show a contract worth $231.7 million to purchase ventilators at $28,250 each was signed after then-Industry Minister Navdeep Bains had a private discussion with the company’s CEO.

     Records show CAE Incorporated of Montréal, formerly Canadian Aviation Electronics, received $231,650,000 for 8,200 ventilators, equating to $28,250 per unit. This was the highest price the Public Health Agency paid for any Canadian ventilator during the pandemic. Government incompetence during the COVID-19 outbreak persists. Health Canada's contract with CAE Inc. for high-cost ventilators. CAE failed to produce units that met Health Canada standards.

     In private enterprise, heads would roll. Anyone involved with the failure would be dismissed for cause. Anyone awarding the contract would be dismissed for cause in the public sector. Not under the Trudeau regime.

    Bains dealt directly with CAE executives and made this a purely political contract rather than one based on competence in free market competition. The government overrode its competitive bidding policies to ensure value for dollars spent.
     Consider the wide cost of producing ventilators:

  • $28,250 for CAE; (Quebec)
  • $23,730 for Baylis Medical (Quebec)
  • $22,600 for StarFish Medical (Ontario)
  • $18,993 for Thornhill Medical (Ontario)

     That is a difference of $9,257 per unit from high to low. Significantly, only contractors from Ontario and Quebec were considered. In an open bidding process, dozens of contractors outside of the Ottawa bubble would have submitted bids.

     CAE rehiring employees is a red herring. Any competent contractor has a core of capable experts and hires qualified personnel to fulfill a contract. You can be sure that Bayliss, StarFish, and Thornhill hired extra personnel for their contracts.

     The final insult is that the government decreed that putting people suffering from COVID-19 symptoms on ventilators was the only treatment allowed. All alternative therapies were sternly rebuffed. That led to countless unnecessary deaths. When a government ignores sound medical advice from medical professionals, it does not have the people's best interests in mind. The Trudeau regime violated the medical principle of ‘do no harm.’ That is disgusting.


Full report in Western Standard.

Aug. 21, 2024

Note to Ottawa, 'just say no'

I do not believe that Canadian Indigenous people have been treated fairly or honestly. We have a long, hard road ahead to achieve reconciliation. I do not agree with Tanya Talaga’s views or efforts.

The residential school graves are an issue that is used as a tool to thwart reconciliation progress and serves to perpetuate a myth of everlasting victimhood. There are thousands of examples of Indigenous people who have benefited from attending residential schools and many others who have succeeded without ever attending a residential school.
Claims that Indigenous people have not benefited from exposure to the multitude of races that make up Canada are not correct.

We have learned that maintaining mutual respect is key to our survival. We are social animals and need one another to survive. In addition, we grow as communities when we work together to accomplish efforts beyond the capacity of one person or one family.

Indigenous people are no different. They aspire to a better future for themselves and future generations. The barriers to their success are artificial and can be overcome by cooperation with mainstream society. Reconciliation is dependent on assimilation.

I don’t mean assimilation in terms of giving up a very long history and culture. Thousands of Canadian ethnic groups keep the history, culture, and languages of their heritage alive. Indigenous people's history, culture, and languages must be preserved and protected. There is no acceptable alternative. Our mainstream society must respect Indigenous people and their needs.

Aug. 19, 2024

The rest of the story

"The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

In 1865, the statue was designed to commemorate a century of free democracy before Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Sculptor Fréderic-Auguste Bartholdi and engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel collaborated on creating the structure and design of Lady Liberty. Simultaneously, New York architect Richard Morris Hunt built the pedestal base.

While the statue was under construction in France, New York architect Richard Morris Hunt constructed the pedestal base. Raising funds to build the statue and its base took two decades.

The copper statue arrived in New York on June 17, 1884. It was broken down into 350 pieces in 211 shipping crates and took four months to assemble.

The Statue of Liberty, a testament to the enduring values of freedom and democracy, was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It was designated as a National Monument in 1924. Employees of the National Park Service have been caring for the colossal copper statue since 1933.

Lady Liberty is a silent reminder of the potential achievements of citizens in a free democracy. The USA did not become an economic, military, political, and social powerhouse by accident. It rose to this status through the diligence, initiatives, and creativity of countless entrepreneurs committed to shaping a brighter future for themselves and succeeding generations.

One man, working hard to save for a home for his family and later to open a small business that he could grow over time, repeated ten million times, is the foundation of the USA.

For half a century, politicians have eroded the free democracy that created the US powerhouse. They seek to replace our God-given freedoms and rights. They do so through deception – lying to the people they are elected to serve.

No politician has ever been elected to regulate our lives and grant permissions for rights guaranteed under the constitutions of the US and Canada. They should hang their heads in shame for the deceptions they perform. When politicians beat up on Lady Liberty, they beat up on us all.

Aug. 7, 2024

Governments aim to turn us into eternal slaves of communism

There is no accountability to taxpayers by any level of government and the agencies they create. We are ignored by all governments as a necessary nuisance. They divide us as a society pitting groups of us against one another.

Secretly, governments fear us. They quake in their boots when populist movements form and use every means possible to quash their spread. When parents rebelled against governments sexualizing their children, governments concluded they were dangerous radicals and subjected parents to persecution by their authorities.

Our governments have been infiltrated by Marxist proponents of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Their aim is to recreate us as eternal slaves to communism.

Our anthem, flag, and religious beliefs have been driven from public spaces. Our freedom of expression is under attack except for those who accept that government, not God, is our highest power. They trample our constitutional freedoms and rights into the dust.

Despite government conventions that the Fraser Institute is a right-wing radical, it is not right or left leaning. Standing up for the Canadians governments are abusing is not political.

There’s an excellent article by Catherine Swift of the Niagara Independent. You should take the time to read it.

•     •     •

As of 2023, the average Canadian family spends 43 per cent of its income on taxes, as compared to 35.6 per cent on food, shelter, and clothing combined. It gives us a badly needed peek beneath the dirty skirts of our governments.

The amount of attention being paid to the latest report on taxation in Canada from the Fraser Institute is interesting as its overall conclusion is not new. The report is the latest update of a regular publication produced by the Institute on the tax burden of Canadians as compared to other major expenditures of households. The glaring headline which has captured the media’s attention is that Canadians are now paying more in taxes than the total spent on the necessities of food, clothing and shelter.

Although this is a finding worth publicizing, it is not news. In fact, Canadians’ biggest expenditure for years has been the sum total of all taxes levied by governments. What this study did differently from previous studies was present data over a long period of time, from 1961 to 2023. In 1961, Canadian expenditures on taxes were actually less than their spending on necessities, proving that our huge spending on taxes was not always a Canadian reality.

The study found that from 1961 to 2023, the amount of total taxes paid by the average Canadian family increased by 2,705 per cent – more rapidly than the growth in any other single expenditure area. For instance, spending on shelter increased by just over 2,000 per cent, food by 901 per cent, and clothing by 478 per cent. The overall Consumer Price Index tracked by Statistics Canada increased by 901 per cent, still much less than the growth in taxes.

As of 2023, the average Canadian family spends 43 per cent of its income on taxes, as compared to 35.6 per cent on food, shelter and clothing combined. In 1961, the comparable numbers are 33.5 per cent on taxes and 56.5 per cent to necessities. Around 1992, the amount Canadians were paying for necessities versus taxes was roughly equal, but from there the large growth in taxes consistently outstripped spending on the basics.

A key consideration is whether Canadians believe they are getting significantly more value for the increased amount they are paying for government services. A number of new social services came into being in the 1960s that did not exist previously, and all added to the average Canadian’s tax bill. For instance, CPP came into force in 1966 and all indications are that the CPP pension program is valued by the majority of Canadians. A universal health care system was present in some provinces prior to 1961, but really came into its own on a national basis in the 1960s and 1970s, and continued to be subject to major changes in subsequent years such as when the federal Liberals drastically cut transfers to provinces for health, education and other social programs to fight Canada’s debt crisis in the mid-1990s.

A majority of Canadians support these added social services so that is one explanation for higher proportional tax levels. However, recent years have shown a deterioration in many of Canada’s social programs despite ongoing increased taxes and a very large increase in the federal government in particular over the last few years under the Trudeau government. It will be informative to see in a few years’ time whether Canadians believe their high tax levels and a much larger and more costly federal government are delivering value for money. Considering current trends, it doesn’t seem likely that most Canadians will buy into this.

International studies have shown that high tax levels can be accepted if the population believes they are getting value for taxes paid and also that they have some kind of input into taxation policy. Some European countries, for example, conduct referenda on whether a tax should be raised or not, and whatever the decision the electorate at least believes they were given an opportunity to express their views so will be more accepting of the ultimate decision. Canadians have virtually never enjoyed that type of consultation.

The policy preferences of the Trudeau Liberals are also more expensive from a tax administration standpoint than some alternatives. For example, the preferred way to impose a carbon tax if a government is so inclined is to impose the tax but offset the tax revenue by reductions in income taxes so that the tax overall will be revenue neutral. This would be the most efficient and low-cost way to apply such a tax. But the Trudeau government does not believe it will be given credit for any income tax reductions as they tend to be buried in Canadians’ paycheques, so it has chosen to cycle the carbon tax money raised through an expensive government bureaucracy that then returns an amount to Canadians via a rebate that shows up on their bank account, so the rebate can be clearly perceived as having come from the government. This is very inefficient and expensive, and considering the views of Canadians, doesn’t seem to have won the Liberals any friends despite their fervent efforts to encourage Canadians to be grateful for the crumbs they have been rebated.

Another important consideration is how the overall tax level affects our economic competitiveness. Some recent comparative studies with the US, our major trading partner, have shown that Canada remains uncompetitive from a tax standpoint for both businesses and individuals. Our lowest tax jurisdiction in Canada – Alberta – still has a higher total tax level than the US’s highest tax jurisdiction – California. And Americans are fleeing California because of their high taxes. Go figure. Our high rates of personal taxes at the income levels for professionals, entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers and other relatively high earners means that we are driving away the very people we need to keep in Canada to build our economy and create jobs.

The fact this latest Fraser report received much more attention than its predecessors is a positive, as we are overtaxed in Canada and it is hurting families and our competitiveness as an economy. The massive growth in the federal bureaucracy under Trudeau has worsened the tax situation as, in any government, at least 50 per cent of the expenditures go to employee compensation. Other research has also demonstrated that most government employees are paid more than their private sector counterparts, and received gold-plated pensions and other expensive benefits on top of that, further increasing the cost of growing government.

The approach of leftist governments is usually to overtax their citizens and then return small portions of that money in the form of programs such as child benefits, carbon tax rebates, etc., and expect everyone to be grateful for small mercies. All of these programs have a cost attached and swell the government bureaucracy. A conservative approach is to lower everyone’s income taxes so families and others can make their own decisions as to how to spend their own money. We’re at the point in Canada where the conservative approach, which is much more efficient in terms of administration, is what we need to downsize the bloated bureaucracy and let Canadians keep more of the money they earn to spend as they choose.

Aug. 6, 2024

Asylum system needs to be rebuilt
– feds book 3,810 Hotel Rooms


According to Blacklock’s Reporter, our government is housing about 6,900 asylum seekers in 3,810 hotel rooms as of the end of May this year. They are not all asylum seekers. Many are illegal immigrants or victims of human trafficking.

How often has our government assured us that our border is secure when it is not? Roxham Road has never closed. The RCMP helps border crosses with their luggage. There is no CBSA officer anywhere to be found. Many of those crossing the border at Roxham have expensive luggage and do not look like they have ever missed a meal.

The average cost is $224 per day for a hotel room.

Meals averaged $84 per day or $46.67 per person. None of us can afford $46.67 per person daily for our food. For a couple, that would cost $2,841.27 per month.

However, the cost includes “hotel costs” of $140 per night, which is ridiculous. The room rates you and I pay include hotel costs. That means the real government room rate is $84 per night, while we would pay $224 for the same room.

The cost of providing immigrants with premium-level healthcare is not included.

Our hospitals, housing, and schools are stretched beyond capacity, while inflation drives the costs of clothing, food, and shelter out of our reach.

The cost is a staggering $3 billion. Wait times average between 1.5 and 6 years. The review process for the 34,925 high-cost immigrants is ludicrous. Immigrants must be screened by CSBA officers on arrival, not a year and a half later. Until they are cleared, they must be held in detention centers. $3 billion will transform underused military barracks into detention centres at a one-time cost.


Maintenance will not be higher than it is at present. The current system has to be trashed and rebuilt with a common-sense approach. The aspirations of asylum seekers cannot drive our society. Those unwilling to assimilate and adopt our social standards and values can apply elsewhere.

Trudeau’s bureaucrat hiring

spree is out of control


Aug. 1, 2024

Franco Terrazzano writes in the Western Standard that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau added another 10,525 bureaucrats to the taxpayer payroll last year. Since becoming prime minister, Trudeau has added more than 108,000 new federal bureaucrats. MORE

To be blunt, Telford, Butts, Trudeau, and Freeland are driving us into grinding poverty while they and their bloated bureaucracy steadily improve their living standards. Our disposable incomes are declining along with our standard of living.


      We can’t afford the Trudeau regime.

      Inflation, driven by increasing taxation and a flagging economy, impoverishes us. The ideology of a “green” Canada is ludicrous. We will not be bullied into buying electric vehicles poorly suited to our climate and large, sparsely populated areas.

     We have vast oil and gas reserves and the potential for energy independence and added enhancement of our economy through exports of coal, diesel fuel, gasoline, LNG, and other petroleum products developed and developing nations are hungry for.

     China, India, and other polluting nations are acquiring petroleum products from Canada’s enemies, growing their economies and ability to create mischief for us. We can turn that around by exploiting our resources and providing our allies with a new source of petroleum products.

     Telford, Butts, Trudeau, and Freeland have been gaslighting us for decades by claiming that crude oils are ‘fossil fuels’ which is nonsense. They claim that atmospheric carbon dioxide is a pollutant when it is essential for plant growth. Without plants to produce the oxygen we breathe, humans will die. They have no reliable scientific evidence to support their theories but present them as facts.

     We need a common-sense revolution that requires our governments and politicians to be held accountable to the people who elected them. We, the people, are sovereign in a free democracy. We must raise our voices and demand a return to hiring, continued employment, and promotions based on merit.

     Public servants must swear an oath of political neutrality in their employment. Any bureaucrat caught favouring a political entity in their duties must be dismissed for cause. Politicians and political parties have had a free ride for far too long. By engaging in corrupt practices, they have brought us to the edge of a severe depression. That is unacceptable.


July 26, 2024

More layoffs could be coming to Global News as parent flirts with bankruptcy

Reported by Shaun Polczer in the Western Standard
18 Jul 2024

It wasn’t their first rodeo, but it could be the last Calgary Stampede parade for Calgary’s local Global news outlet.

In an exclusive interview with an insider who is no longer employed with the company whose identity is being withheld, staffers were warned by company brass on a company-wide conference call Wednesday to expect more ‘changes’ — including job cuts — when the company hits its debt wall at the end of August.

“There were comments made. I don't know if this was just a manager misspeaking, but it was the comment was made along the lines of, ‘you know, this Stampede, it might be our last,” they said.

For a fresh take on current events, I recommend subscribing to the Western Standard. This independent news source offers unique insights that other media outlets often overlook.

Another valuable source is the Niagara Independent, which provides perspectives not found elsewhere.

Keep an eye on the National Post, known for printing stories its counterparts shy away from. Surprisingly, even tracking CBC News can be enlightening. Despite the usual government narratives, you'll find stories that resonate with conservative viewpoints. Some CBC reporters challenge their superiors to push the boundaries of what's “acceptable”. THE REST OF THE STORY

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Marxists have infiltrated our governments and many major businesses and industries with their “woke” ideology. It is not surprising as our colleges and universities have become indoctrination cantres for woke ideology. Big business restricts hires to people with degrees.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is the opposite of its promises. Able, competent, and skilled employees find advancement within the organization blocked by hires who bring nothing to the table besides a warm (and incompetent) body. They either become a resentful employee, diminishing their value to the organization, or quit and move on to an organization that values merit.

The DEI emphasis on race, skin colour, sexual orientation, disabilities, and other measures excludes millions of their counterparts who prefer to act as captains of their destiny. DEI is divisive, not inclusive.

Chorus Entertainment is grappling with serious financial issues, and while DEI is not the sole cause, it's undeniably a contributing factor. The company's survival hinges on retaining its skilled workforce and delivering a superior product for refinancing. However, the decisions of DEI executives have led Chorus down a damaging path, ensuring that Chorus will DIE.

•   •   •   •  •

For a fresh take on current events, I recommend subscribing to the Western Standard. This independent news source offers unique insights that other media outlets often overlook.

Another valuable source is the Niagara Independent, which provides perspectives not found elsewhere.

Keep an eye on the National Post, known for printing stories its counterparts shy away from. Surprisingly, even tracking CBC News can be enlightening. Despite the usual government narratives, you'll find stories that resonate with conservative viewpoints. Some CBC reporters challenge their superiors to push the boundaries of what's “acceptable”. 

July 24, 2024

Trump’s VP pick Vance, is a Freedom Convoy supporter, Trudeau critic 


Should Donald Trump win the presidential election, it looks increasingly likely he will, his VP pick J.D. Vance is familiar with Canada and the particular and peculiar relationship created between our nations over the past century and a half.

There is less possibility of arbitrary trade decisions that will harm Canada. When Trump took action to curtain aluminum and steel imports from Canada in 2018, he had cause for doing so.

Unscrupulous brokers in Canada were buying low-quality aluminum and steel from foreign nations and exporting it to the US as if it were of trade agreement quality.

Trudeau had been warned to take action to stop the practice, or sanctions would follow. He did not act. The ‘outrage’ Trudeau and Freeland expressed when tariffs were announced was a coverup for its dereliction of duty.

Americans and Canadians are sick and tired of watching their dream of liberty and independence eroded by inflation and taxation. Trudeau believes he can rule us with the absolute powers of King Charles III, forgetting that Charles’ arrogance resulted in the American War of Independence.

Central planning does not work. It has been tried by many nations, all of which have ultimately failed. Our nations prospered when our people were free to follow their dream of improving their lives and those of their children and grandchildren.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that imposition of the War Measures Act in response to the Truckers’ protest in February, 2022 was an unlawful violation of our Charter freedoms and rights. Trudeau’s handlers have not apologized or offered to compensate those who were harmed. This begs for a class action response to ensure that similar government overreach will not recur in future.

Trudeau and Freeland have passed legislation increasing the spending cap for their government by one trillion dollars. They are already spending more on servicing our debt than they are on our broken health care system. Their aim is to destroy Canada financially. They will put us into debt so deep that when they are turfed from office we cannot recover. That is a despicable scorched earth policy.  

Today, our freedoms are being suffocated by the ever-growing web of bureaucratic regulations that dictate every aspect of our lives. Governments at all levels are piling on regulations, disregarding the principle that regulations cannot expand the law they are based on. The rule that regulations do not have the same power as the law they are based on has been forgotten. This erosion of our freedoms and rights is a cause for alarm.

Regulations are not reviewed by parliament, the legislature, or the council that passed the law or bylaw, which is ludicrous. This lack of oversight needs to be addressed. Legislators presume that bureaucrats are ethical, honest and moral when they love the power given them to make their own lives easier. The lack of accountability is stunning. It's time for the public to demand transparency and accountability in the regulatory process to ensure our freedoms are not eroded by unchecked bureaucratic power. Politicians must be required to answer to the people who elected them. Nothing less is acceptable in a free democracy.

July 17, 2024

Quebec attracts record $13 billion in foreign direct investment

 t's surprising how little things change. The federal government is shoveling money into projects in Ontario and Quebec. At the same time, the rest of the country is ignored and prevented from investing in its natural resources and expanding its processing capabilities.

 The Quebec Government invested $2.9 billion in the project, and the federal government invested $4.4 billion. That totals a $7.3 billion government investment in a $7 billion project. The Northvolt investment was $0.

Last August, Ottawa and Quebec announced an investment of more than $640 million for a new Ford EV plant in Bécancour, Quebec and will each invest $322 million in a $1.2 billion project (55%).

The federal government has agreed to give Volkswagen up to $13 billion in subsidies over the next decade as part of a deal to ensure the automaker builds its electric-vehicle battery plant in southern Ontario. Ottawa's contract follows promises to remain competitive with the U.S. and convince electric vehicle battery producers to set up their plants in Canada. But the price tag is raising eyebrows. 

According to the deal's details, federal production support for the plant is expected to range from $8 billion to $13 billion over 10 years. Ottawa also offers Volkswagen about $700 million in capital expense grants through its Strategic Innovation Fund.

Both Manitoba and Newfoundland have major hydro-electrical generating capacities that Ottawa ignores.

This is a high-risk investment of our money. No one wants to discuss the weak links in promoting electric vehicles. (1) The electrical grid cannot handle an influx of electric cars. Electrical grids must be rebuilt to handle the increased demand by recharging stations. (2) Battery technology is evolving rapidly, and older EV batteries are unavailable at any price. (3) Canadians don’t want EVs. (4) Cold weather severely affects EV battery performance. (5) There are long stretches of Canada where charging stations are unavailable. Addressing that problem takes us back to problem (1) above.

Volkswagen delayed the ID.7 EV launch in the US and Canada, citing changing market dynamics (Reuters May 22, 2024). Global automakers, including Ford, General Motors, and Mercedes, are rethinking their EV plans as the sector struggles with slowing demand. Instead, they are focusing on higher-margin hybrids and gasoline-powered models.

The handwriting is on the wall. Despite mountains of publicity and huge government subsidies, Canadians don’t want to be forced into buying EVs. I’ve considered a hybrid, as several automakers produce reliable hybrids. However, a few years later, I could find myself with a two-ton boat anchor as I could not replace the battery for less than the cost of a used gas-engine vehicle.

By then, bureaucrats will have passed regulations making disposing of my useless EV prohibitively expensive. We can’t win against ideologues lacking real-world experience and common sense.   


Polls show youth now hate Trudeau more than ever


In the wake of a budget deliberately tailored towards salvaging plummeting youth support, a series of Angus Reid Institute polls show that young people now hate the Trudeau government more than ever. NATIONAL POST


     Once again, this is not a surprise. Trudeau, from the outset of his time in office, has ignored the electorate. He appears to fancy himself as a socialist dictator bent on managing Canadians rather than serving them.

     We are a post-national nation in Trudeau’s mind. The budget is comprised of an offering of candy intended to lure Canadians into voting for – more candy.

     Kitchen table economics tells us that Trudeau and Freeland are lying again. They have no intention of spending prudently and living within their means. When our month-end bills roll in, we have less and less to work with. As mortgages come up for renewal, people are forced to sell their homes as they cannot manage the higher interest rates the market now demands.

     That throws conventional wisdom into the trash. Most people invest in a home as retirement security. If they lose that security and are forced to compete for the very high rental cost of a much smaller space, anger results. The cost of the candy is prohibitive.

     The federal government now spends more on servicing the debt than it does on a badly broken healthcare system.

     Centralized control and planning do not work. Dozens of nations have tried it and failed. Trudeau ignores our constitution and the clear division between federal and provincial jurisdictions, among other things.

     Trudeau’s inner circle’s arrogant and stubborn insistence that they can remake Canada into their vision of our society has turned on them. They have no credibility with the public, have lost our trust, and will not recover. Trudeau the actor, will exit stage left without applause or an encore.


July 15, 2024

Liberals used federal spokesmen

to ‘correct’ Canadians’ thinking

     It’s now out in the open. The Trudeau – Freeland duo will not tolerate any criticism of their “core mandate”. They believe they can rule us in the style of King George III, forgetting that his reign led to the American Revolution.

     The federal government has no mandate to govern. It has a duty to serve Canada and its people.
      The oath for members of Parliament has stood the same since confederation; according to Section IX.128 of the Constitution Act, 1867:
      "Every member of the Senate and the House of Commons of Canada shall before taking his seat therein take and subscribe before the Governor General or some Person authorized by him, and every Member of a Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly of any Province shall before the Lieutenant Governor of the Province or some Person authorized by him, the Oath of Allegiance contained in the Fifth Schedule to the Act:
      I, [name], do swear, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III.

     For those parliamentarians whose religion prohibits the swearing of oaths, there exists a compromise affirmation, first instituted in 1905:
     I, [name], do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare the taking of an oath is according to my religious belief unlawful, and I do also solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III.

     Don’t bother berating me that our MPs should not swear allegiance to a foreign monarch. Canada is a constitutional monarchy, and the King or Queen of the day is our Head of State and Head of our Military (Armed Forces). The monarch wears many hats, and when he or she leaves Great Britain, it is as the monarch in the right of Canada.

     Great Britain has no written constitution other than the Magna Carta, which is over 800 years old. Changes since are recorded as common law precedents. Canada has a constitution based on the unwritten British model with lessons from the American Constitution, which was passed into law 88 years before our constitution was created.     

     The monarchy is our executive branch of government. The judiciary is independent of the executive branch and must be politically neutral. Our Parliament is the legislative branch. We must not shift powers from one branch to another without risking our democracy.

     Every Prime Minister, starting with Mackenzie King in 1941, has looked for ways to circumvent the monarchy, convinced that they should exercise the absolute power of a king. That has led us directly to the current situation, where our government is trying to gaslight us into obedience while ignoring its constitutional duties.

     Very few of us will agree to swear allegiance to an appointed Prime Minister. By convention, the political party leader with the most seats in our Parliament following a general election is appointed Prime Minister. Results have been mixed with a few bad prime ministers, the odd good ones, and the majority easily influencing pedestrians.

     The Supreme Court of Canada declared that imposing the War Measures Act in relation to the Trucker’s protest in January 2023 violated our constitutional freedoms and rights. Nevertheless, persecution of anyone involved in the protest has continued unabated. That is an unlawful abuse of power by the federal government.

     There is a sound reason why Trudeau’s popularity is underwater. He cannot be a tyrant and expect Canadians to support his actions. Singh and the NDP are complicit in continuing to support Trudeau.

     Trudeau’s principal secretary and confidant is Katie Telford, and her ally and long-time Trudeau friend Gerald Butts. Neither are elected or accountable to anyone. They are running our government.

     Trudeau and Freeland are heavily involved in the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is not in Canada’s interest. The WEF's objective is to remove sovereignty from member nations, creating a ‘world order’ without member nation representation. Trudeau and Freeland are committing treason and belong in prison.  The WEF is funded by meddling billionaires, including George Soros, who dream of world domination. Economic subjugation is less messy than an armed takeover but equally effective.

Consider the wide range of public positions adopted by Trudeau. When he gets a script from Telford/Butts, he immerses himself in how the character should respond. He can appear grave and serious and shed a tear to convey how badly his character feels. Compare that to a different script, and he appears between heavily made-up transvestites, sticking out his tongue at the surrounding crowd. He is an empty suit controlled by his handlers.

Canadians have caught on and do not trust anything he says; they watch for what he does instead. What his handlers present to us is the destruction of Canada and contempt for the people his government is sworn to protect and serve. Canada will not survive another four years of the Trudeau regime. A change in government is imperative and cannot happen soon enough


     A report by Treasury Board President Anita Anand’s department says government spokespeople must “correct” Canadians’ thinking, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. 


The board had earlier championed 4,600 federal spokespeople as defenders of “the heart of our democracy.” On Tuesday, in its report, the treasury board did not comment on its claim. 

“Today communicators are working in a media environment where the public’s trust in government is eroded through misinformation and disinformation,” said the annual report. 

  “This trust lies at the heart of our democracy.”

“Achieving our core mandate is more complex, challenging and important than it has ever been. The communications community must therefore be empowered to play a role in the decision-making process.”

 “In our current world of increasingly fragmented and polarized public discourse the work of communications specialists will be key in preserving the integrity of our democracy,” it said without giving examples.

 “We have worked to inform, correct facts, raise awareness, mobilize individuals and communities and encourage people to participate,” said the report.

“We have done so in a challenging environment marked by misinformation and a growing distrust of government and democratic institutions.”

The Communications Community Office is best known for hosting an annual Awards Of Excellence banquet to honour spokespeople. Past nominees for “achievements” in communications included the Canadian Human Rights Commission for publishing an annual report.

A March 28 Access To Information memo from the Department of Public Safety noted “growing evidence” that Canadians distrust the federal government. 

“There has been growing evidence there has been an erosion of trust in democratic institutions,” said the memo.

A separate 2023 ethics report to the clerk of the Privy Council also documented “decreasing confidence in Canada’s democracy” since the pandemic. 

“Measures of decreasing confidence in Canada’s democracy are cause for concern,” said the report. 

“Citizens rightfully expect publicly funded institutions to deliver services effectively and efficiently.”

 “The pandemic dramatically changed how the public service works, impacted citizens’ trust in public institutions, increased their expectations and diminished their overall satisfaction with government services,” it said, citing no examples. 

It acknowledged a “lack of consequences and accountability” for corrupt or incompetent managers. “There is a perceived lack of accountability or a ‘double standard’ between senior leadership and employees when it comes to compliance and enforcement of the Value And Ethics Code For The Public Sector,” it said. FOLLOW LINK.

July 8, 2024

Alberta University encampment removals likely violated protesters' constitutional rights, legal experts say


We have the right to flail our arms about, but our right extends only to the point where we touch another person, impinging on his/her right not to be molested.

The legal scholars quoted are extremists and a disgrace to their profession. The institutions they defend no longer allow unfettered debate and discourse on issues. They have lists of words and phrases that must not be uttered lest they lose their Marxist grip on the institutions they command.


Palestinian support groups are not protesters. They openly support a terrorist group determined to destroy Israel and all Western democracies. It is reminiscent of the groups who protested’ in support of Ernesto Che Guevara in the late 1950s, naively ignorant of who and what Guevara was – a Marxist zealot intent on spreading Marxism throughout the world.

Palestinian support groups are violating the rights of tens of thousands of students who have paid for an education and are prevented from attending classes, holding commencement exercises, and enjoying the unfettered right to voice and debate their opinions and beliefs with their peers.

The concept that any identifiable group has special freedoms and rights simply because they exist is ridiculous. Everyone is equal before and under the law. Gay exhibitionists are a tiny minority of the group but manage to embarrass the majority and outrage others. Men, claiming to have “transitioned” to become women, insist that we accept that they are women. That is ludicrous. They have no right or power to infringe on our right to think for ourselves. Whenever some group tries to shut down honest debate, their motives are suspect. That includes governments.   

Our colleges and universities have transformed into industrial, donor-backed commercial operations. They raise tuition fees without justification and fail to deliver an education. Most, but not all, tenured professors deliver Marxist propaganda instead of an education.

Rather than producing students capable of outstanding achievements, they indoctrinate them to the concepts of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI), which does the opposite, reducing students to the level of the lowest common denominator. Welcome to the Marxist world of eternal serfdom.

The countermove is to stop all forms of public funding for colleges and universities, including the generous support for “studies,” most of which have no economic or social value.

Fund the students. Let them find the college or university that delivers the education they pay for, and let the Ivy League monstrosities wither as they should.    



Liberals introduce legislation amending

Elections Act as part of agreement with NDP 


The Liberals introduced legislation Tuesday aimed at expanding voting access and targeting electoral interference and the spread of disinformation. Bill C-65 introduces a suite of amendments to the Canada Elections Act as part of the Liberals' political pact with the NDP.


But it delays two key aspects of that agreement: spreading the official election day over three days and allowing voters to vote at any polling station in their riding. See Darren Major’s CBC report HERE.

Elections Canada already has the technology to allow voting at any poll within the electoral district. It also has the technology to allow voting at an electoral district office for any electoral district in Canada.

Extending Election Day to three days is nonsense. Advance polling has proven to be popular and works well.

It is important to ensure that those casting ballots are Canadian citizens. Elections Canada needs a citizenship database to prevent abuse. Immigration and citizenship have the records. A birth certificate is ample proof for people born here.

Language is important. Those who cannot communicate in English or French are unlikely to be citizens as that is a requirement for citizenship.

Polling in long-term care facilities, hospitals, senior centers, and similar facilities has been a long-standing problem. Assistance for individuals must be provided by Elections Canada staff. Currently, political party operatives are allowed to ‘assist’ individuals which must be prohibited. Assistance must be politically neutral.

Dual citizens who cannot prove that they have resided in Canada for over six months during three of the past five years must not be allowed to vote. These citizens of convenience who continuously live abroad cannot be allowed to influence our elections.

The process of allowing voter “A” to vouch for voter “B” on the spot at an election poll must be eliminated. There is a very high risk of abuse.

Elections Canada's efforts to allow homeless people to vote are questionable. While some are victims of our unaffordable housing crises, most have decided to drop out of social responsibilities or have become victims of substance abuse.

“LeBlanc said the intention is for parliamentarians to "ensure that this legislation can be in place as quickly as possible”.

Canadians don’t care what parliamentarians want. Our voting system has to be politically neutral to win back the confidence of Canadians. Political operatives cannot be allowed to tell Elections Canada what they want. They must heed the advice provided by Elections Canada. Otherwise, the neutrality of Elections Canada is a sham.


Israel's war cabinet meets as European

allies caution against military escalation

Our world has gone starkers – stark raving mad.

Iran is by far the world’s largest exporter of terrorism and manipulates attacks by its many proxies including:

in Bahrain - Al-Ashtar Brigades,

in Iraq - Kata’ib Hezbollah, Badr Organization, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Hezbollah Harakat al-Nujaba, and Kata’ib Sayyed al-Shuhada,

in Lebanon – Hezbollah,

In Gaza – Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad,

in Syria - Fatemiyoun Brigade, Zainabiyoun Brigade, Quwat al-Ridha and Baqir Brigade,

in Yemin - Houthi movement.

Iran foments instability throughout the Middle East. Iran considers Israel to be ‘the Little Satan’ and the USA ‘the Great Satan’. Iran has pitted itself against the USA.

Iran is the classic bully in world terrorism and will not cease its activities without a very strong show of force that hurts it badly at home and abroad. We cannot appease a bully.

The hand-wringings of politicians who have never engaged in a serious war are useless. U.S. President Biden’s record on foreign affairs is a disaster. Prime Minister Trudeau’s record is even worse – he is so detached from Canadians he has no concept of what our views on Israel are.

Iraq has decreed that there may be no criticism of its terrorist regime with onerous penalties for speaking out. Women suffer most. Iranians want a regime change and a return to normalcy. We are abandoning them with speeches about appeasement. We can have peace in the middle ease and a lasting peace elsewhere, but not until Iraq is stripped of its profitable oil sales, arms making and exports, and nuclear capabilities. A nuclear armed Iraq is a nightmare the world cannot accept.

Israel needs to destroy Iran’s weapons factories, nuclear facilities, offshore oil loading terminal, block its harbour to prevent further oil shipments, set fire to oil tankers in the area, and sink Iran’s spy ship in the Red Sea. Israel’s allies need to stand solidly behind the Iranian people and Israel. Until Iraq is cut off from its oil export income, there will be no peace in the Middle East or elsewhere.

Protesters in the U.S. are burning U.S. flags and shouting ‘death to America’! Both the U.S. and Canada are riddled with military-aged illegal immigrants from enemy nations. We don’t know where they are let alone what their motives are. They are well enough funded to be able to mount protests at will and are leading uninformed young people in their disruptive protests. Despite dire warnings from our intelligence agencies are unheeded by our governments. That is unacceptable.    

Finally, there are no civilians in Gaza. That is a hoax. Residents and hostages are prisoners of war held to protect Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters. Hamas ignores Geneva Conventions on the treatment of Prisoners of War, abuses prisoners and confiscates aid provided to its hostages. Iraq is treating us as the fools we are.


Another view, from Thomson Reuters HERE.


Eight years after B.C. declared public health

emergency, the toxic drug crisis rages on

These people are staring at a solution but are blinded by ideology.

They are careening down a dead-end street at high speed. The results are predictable and inevitable.

Drug addiction is a disease. Addicts do not behave normally. Their only goal is to secure more drugs to satisfy their craving for another high. They will cheat, lie, steal, and commit murder if required. An addict without drugs or the means to access drugs is the only risk drug dealers face.

They can be killed by a customer to access their supply.

The first part of a solution is to ban the sale of high thc cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, opioids, and crystal-meth. These are the most popular street drugs in Canada.

It is almost impossible to track down the costs of the BC mitigation program, but it appears to be about $147 million. That will buy a huge quantity of clean variations of these drugs, which the government could market at a fraction of current street prices. There can be no coercion. Any addict must be able to access a two-day supply by appearing at an outlet.

Those caught dealing in banned drugs must face a penalty of life in prison which is appropriate for those who attempt to murder addicts.

Drug dealers will flee to less stringent jurisdictions. Once addicts realize they don’t have to risk fentanyl-dosed drugs and death, they will become more open to treatment. We will still have to respond to overdoses and save people from themselves, but responders have new tools to use in dealing with the addicts they save.

There is no ideal solution. If the objective is to save lives, the supply of low-cost safe drugs has potential the current system does not.


Also, see Darryl Greer’s commentary from CBC and Canadian Press HERE


Canadian MPs will earn world's

second-highest salary for elected officials

What is galling about the pay raises is that they are not linked to reality. Parliament is a mess. It has created an economy that is riddled with growing debt out great grandchildren will inherit. It does not represent the people of Canada which is the cornerstone of a free democracy.

Every dime our government spends has been seized from taxpayers. Criminals rule our streets and Canadians are afraid to venture out after dark and in many places are afraid to venture out in daylight. Toronto police are advising resident to leave their car key fobs on the porch so criminals will not break into the house to get the keys. “All they want is your car.” That is stark raving madness.

We are losing hundreds of people to fentanyl overdoses every year and instead of cracking down on criminals, are unsuccessfully trying to ‘save’ addicts from their disease.

Our health care system is in shambles. People are dying while on waiting lists for common medical procedures.

Our civil service is unlawfully politicized as is our justice system. Citizens protecting their families and property are arrested for violating the rights of criminals preying on them. Those who violate our laws have no rights. They must not be charter protected. We are living in an Orwellian nightmare.

Violent criminals cannot be granted bail. They have to be held in custody and seen by a judge within 90 days of arrest. The judge will decide if they can be granted bail or held to appear before a jury withing the next 90 days.  

Comparing the salaries of elected officials to the private sector is inappropriate and offensive. Those who toil in the private sector, excluding the giant enterprises that fund politicians, are held accountable for their decisions and productivity. If they fail to produce or make costly errors, they are dismissed for cause which is usually the end of their career.

Canadians are not stupid. We recognize government propaganda, supported by a bought and paid for media for what it is – prepacked lies intended to entice us into obedience. Politicians should be paid no more than 75% of private sector salaries. That is the price for shunning accountability. We are currently paying a premium for career politicians who would not last 90 days in the private sector. All they care about is re-election. They don’t care about you and I. This farce must end.



Israel's war in Gaza is just,

Hamas must surrender or be eliminated


I invite you to take time to review former Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s piece, linked below. It is a thoughtful analysis of the Israel – Hamas war.

There are no civilians or hostages in Gaza. They are all prisoners of war, held in captivity to protect Hamas fighters from assault. They are held in violation of the Geneva conventions on prisoners of war.

The Palestinian Liberty Organization (PLO) has no standing as a state or nation and thus cannot make representations to the international court.

Hamas accuses Israel of the occupation of its lands but cannot prove its ownership. Claiming and owning are not the same thing.

Palestinians are a creation of the Russian KGB and did not exist until July 1968, 19 years after Israel was declared a nation. The Muslim Brotherhood created Hamas in December 1987, 38 years after Israel was recognized as a nation.

I recall watching in horror as the PLO was elected the government of Gaza in January, 2005. Trucks filled with armed troops patrolled the streets during the election which is not part of a free, democratic election. Nevertheless, United Nations observers declared the election valid.

In January 2006 the Palestinian territories held what turned out to be their last parliamentary elections. Hamas won a bare plurality of votes (44 percent to the more moderate Fatah party’s 41 percent) but given the electoral system, a strong majority of seats (74 to 45).

Neither party was keen on sharing power. Fighting broke out between the two. When a unity government was finally formed in June 2007, Hamas broke the deal, started murdering Fatah members and took total control of the Gaza Strip. Those who weren’t killed fled to the West Bank, and the territories have remained split ever since.

Middle east politics is a complicated strife between heavily armed tribal tyrants with a tenuous grip on power and no compunction about murdering those they regard as potential enemies. 


Stephen Harper’s editorial in the National Post, Feb. 18. Is worth reading. HERE

Damning report on DEI training

'Divisive, counter-productive, and unnecessary’


We have reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while others are not held responsible for what they are doing today.

Governments have become monolithic, totalitarian, and unresponsive to the needs of the people they are sworn to serve and entrenched in governance of an era where we had very little or no national debt and individuals thrived in an open free-enterprise democracy.

Like many who reach the age of majority well before they acquire maturity, our governments are spending wildly with money we don’t have. The federal debt load for the fiscal year 2023 is measured in trillions, about $1.2 trillion and shows no signs of growing smaller. The federal government is still projecting deficits and with increasing interest rates is now paying more on interest costs than it is spending on healthcare.

Money spent on servicing a growing debt leaves less available for core programs that Canadians depend on.

As young people mature, they gain wisdom from the mistakes they make. No one learns from success. Our governments, federal and provincial, seem incapable of maturing and gleefully repeat the errors they make.

The federal government is growing at a far faster pace than the private sector. That is particularly troubling as the consumers of wealth are outpacing the producers of wealth.

Canada is not alone in facing a likely financial meltdown. A depression is now inevitable. Many nations are starting to make the hard decisions required to avert insolvency and restore democracy. Sadly, Canada is not amongst them.

  • •     •


The Aristotle Foundation released a damning new report authored by Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario associate professor David Haskell that examines existing research to determine whether diversity, equity, and inclusion training actually leads to better outcomes and less bigotry. HERE




Government side of the House of

Commons has no common sense


Coverage for basic pharmacare is estimated to cost $3.5 billion annually. Comprehensive coverage is estimated at $15.3 billion annually.

The government has also proposed a national dental care program to be effective in 2024 at an estimated cost of $13 billion. However, the plan is not universal since it covers those with incomes under $90,000 per year and seniors 72 years and older. It excludes anyone with private dental coverage. Covering the 4.4 million Canadians excluded will drive costs up substantially.

Successive federal governments have presided over the collapse of our health care systems in Canada. They use the Canada Health Act as an excuse to prevent competition in the health care delivery field but the platoons of bureaucrats operating provincial healthcare delivery are not held accountable for errors or bad decisions.

Health care delivery is a provincial jurisdiction. Trudeau and Singh do not have constitutional authority to interfere and stifle healthcare delivery innovation and accountability. Provincial governments employ healthcare delivery personnel. The federal government is out of its driving lane.

The federal government is shirking its responsibilities to provide health care for indigenous people, military personnel, prison inmates, and many others. It is required to maintain military hospitals across the nation to serve those under its care. They have all been turned over to the provinces with the excuse that maintaining military hospital was too expensive. Running provincial hospitals is also too expensive. There is no net gain.

It gets worse – much worse

The federal debt has doubled from $619.3 billion in 2015-16, the first year of Trudeau's government, to $1.2 trillion in 2022-23. It's expected to climb to $1.4 trillion by 2028-29.

With interest rates at a 20-year high, the cost of borrowing has spiked from $20.3 billion in 2020-21 to $46.5 billion in 2022-23. Carrying costs to the federal treasury are projected to reach $60.7 billion in 2028-29.

Money spent on debt servicing means less money available to maintain core services. We are on a runaway roller-coaster ride to a depression. Finance Minister Chrystia  Freeland’s assurances that our economy is stable is fiction. Small business bankruptcies are rising rapidly, and small business is the engine of employment in Canada.

Inflation is not under control. Rising costs of living are driving Canadians into poverty. Trudeau’s ever-increasing carbon taxes see to that. The costs of everything we buy or use increases in step with carbon tax increases.

Trudeau, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, and their advisors live in a fantasy world detached from reality. They ignore the needs of the people they are sworn to serve. Their concept of leadership is to tax and regulate us rather than serve us. They do not have the common sense or capacity to make tough decisions to qualify as true leaders. Their claims to be victims of circumstance beyond their control is repugnant.

That is precisely the position we find ourselves in but unlike the government we do our best to cope with the situation we face. We can’t avoid responsibility for our welfare or those of our families.


  • • • • •

David Thurton’s reported CBC News on Feb. 07 that NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Wednesday he warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a recent closed-door meeting that there will be "repercussions" if the government misses the March 1 deadline for tabling pharmacare legislation.

Singh meets with Trudeau occasionally to discuss the terms of the supply and confidence agreement between their two parties, which sees New Democrats support the government on key votes in the House of Commons in exchange for movement on policy priorities. Singh described the Monday meeting as "tough."

"I made it clear to the PM that we expect legislation, and we expect the government to take steps to go beyond that, and we expect that by the first of March," Singh told reporters on Parliament Hill.

"I put him on notice ... If not, there will be repercussions." Full Report



DEI is a subversive attack on free democracies worldwide

“Diversity—through the lenses of race, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, and beyond—can help to strengthen organizations, as studies have shown time and again. Quite simply, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is used to describe three values that many organizations today strive to embody to help meet the needs of people from all walks of life. The focus is on diversity, equity, and inclusion in business and society.”

There are many explanations of exactly what DEI means and the above is as good as any I have found. It is Marxist rubbish designed to replace the value of individuals for the measure of the lowest common denominator. There is no nation that has adopted this version of communism that has done so successfully. Ultimately, the population shares in a common misery under totalitarian rule. It is a living example of a clutch of elitists being more equal than others.

The totalitarian core thrives in riches, protected by a well-paid army and subservient police force. There is no justice system to protect citizens. Those considered enemies are imprisoned and tortured or murdered. People are encouraged to report one another for alleged threats to the elitists in return for favours. The result is massive distrust within society which makes it more manageable.

People of every imaginable combination of ethnicity and belief have not just thrived but excelled in every imaginable endeavour from the arts to zoology in free democracies. Those who understand the value of arduous work, adherence to principles, and a belief that they can succeed if they apply themselves excel in their chosen professions.

Our media loves to regale us with ‘firsts’ – the first person of colour to fill a given position, for example. What rubbish! It is really a belated and grudging acceptance of reality by those in power.

One common trait of those who stive to better themselves is an ability for self-criticism. They understand their limitations. Many have spent a lifetime fighting against hidden barriers successfully, improving themselves and society.

We meet them regularly without recognizing their achievements. Whether its is a medical professional engaged in our treatment, or an electrician, plumber or carpenter who takes pride in their profession does their work accordingly, they are successful. We all benefit.

Envy is a corrosive emotion that eventually consumes those who envy. They are unwilling to expend the effort and sacrifice required to succeed and turn to the blame game. It is best described as an opportunity missed because it arrives in overalls and looks like work. Those with the determination and grit to succeed embrace the opportunity.

Currently, I watch with amusement DEI proponents blame white males and colonialism for all the ills of society. Our society is continually evolving. As we discover that truisms of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries are flawed, we discard them and strive to do better. An outstanding example is government rule as opposed to government service. Every four years of so we are inundated for three to six months of intense communications from political parties telling us how they plan to improve our lives if we only give them the power to do so.

For the next 42 to 45 months good luck with communicating with any elected person. Those who do succeed find the elected person has little of no interest in solving problems. Their focus is on getting re-elected to retain the benefits of elected office.

Wash, rinse, repeat. What we find is that the party elected to power does as it pleases and ignores election period promises. We find that changes over the period between elections are exceedingly small and rarely to our benefit. Currently we find our situation is more precarious with each passing month.

Canada belongs to Canadians, and we decide what powers we are willing to allow our civic, provincial, and federal governments to have. Political parties strive to control us through legislation and regulations and m, and access to our incomes so they can tax us into oblivion. They are succeeding.

Ignoring or shunning politics is no longer an option. Either we demand accountability that long ago fled the halls of power or succumb to totalitarianism in place of democratic governance. We are too far down the road to Marxism to remain complacent.

If you wish to make a contribution to offset the costs of media subscriptions and mailings, please send a bank e-transfer to or mail to J. Feldsted 420 - 60 Whellams Lane Winnipeg, MB R2G 2G7.

In a follow up to my last article, my son did not make it. He passed on January 19. No doubt he has joined his mother and freed from his disabilities can communicate with her at last. Sean suffered severe autism.

I thank the many people who have contacted me with good wishes and support funds. I am gradually getting back to some semblance of normal. I note from reading that the world is in even more dire straits than when I last posted.

Thank you


The greatest hoax ever, part two


This is the grandest hoax ever perpetrated by Iran. There is no country or nation of Palestine. There are no civilians in Gaza. They are prisoners of war held as human shields to protect Hamas terrorists.

There are no hostages. They too are prisoners of war held as bargaining chips in violation of the Geneva conference on the treatment of prisoners of war (POWs).

There was once a Palestinian territory ruled first by the Roman Empire and later by the Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. Following WWI, Great Britain and France were determined to ensure the demise of the Ottomans and seized control over the territory, splitting the area in two with each controlling half.

In 1917 the British established a homeland for Jews in Israel, roughly parallelling the ancient nation of Judea. The Balfore Declaration was messy and vague which has resulted in controversy.

Following WWII, neither Britain nor France wanted to continue responsibility for the Palestinian territory. WWII had bankrupted them. They had cartographers draft up nations much as we know them today.

Difficulties arose as the Palestinian territories had always been tribal, ruled by strongman, and the new nations all had a mix of tribes who did not get along. In most cases the majority won out and minor tribes were absorbed and usually mistreated.

In 1926, radical elements from Egypt formed the Muslim Brotherhood, declaring that Iran would never allow itself to be conquered. Islamist in orientation, it advocated a return to the Quran and the Hadith as guidelines for a healthy modern Islamic society. The Brotherhood spread rapidly throughout Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and North Africa. Although figures of Brotherhood membership are variable, it is estimated that at its height in the late 1940s it may have had some 500,000 members.

 The brotherhood remains active throughout the world, and has evolved into a sophisticated spy network for Iran.    

The Muslim Brotherhood gradually grew more and more militant and created a military wing that sought to overthrow various Middle East governments. This led to more dispersal of Brotherhood members from the Middle East to Western and European nations.

 In 1941, the Grand Mufti (religious leader) of tribes in the Middle East visited Hitler with the objective of forming an alliance with Germany and Italy based on their mutual hatred of Jews. Hitler refused an alliance as premature. He was inclined to view Arabs as inferior rather then as allies, refusing to shake the Mufti’s hand or to drink coffee with him.

Hitler provided the Mufti with a budget of 750,000 Reichsmark per month to foment a jihad (holy war) in the territory. Hitler had already formed an alliance with Muslim Brotherhood radicals who suited his purposes as the Brotherhood was ardently anti-western. The concept of jihad disruptions in host nations continues today.  

Palestinians are a creation of the Russian KGB and its agent, Yassir Arafat. Arafat was head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and Palestinians came in to being when the PLO issued its Charter in July 1968.

In 1952 the Brotherhood was forced underground by the Egyptian government. In 1954, Egypt sentenced numerous Brotherhood members to death and imprisoned many others. Many members fled to various nations, including the USA, Canada and most European nations.

Ultimately the Brotherhood created Hamas in December 1987. Hamas is dedicated to the extermination of all non-Islamic people worldwide. It is significant that Hamas was able to start pro-Palestinian protests in various nations before news of the October 6, 2023 terrorist massacre had been distributed through the media. The Brotherhood is well funded by billionaires’ intent on creating a new world order and the Brotherhood is adept at keeping us fighting with one another.

The notion that groups of visible minorities cannot succeed without Marxist efforts to impose an artificial equality of numbers rather than hiring and promoting based on merit is rubbish.

People of every ethnic background and religion have thrived in a free democracy and are successful in every endeavour. From the arts to philosophy to politics to science and zoology, people representing minority groups have exhibited their ability to excel at their chosen profession.

Perhaps the hoax could be laid to rest if the entire membership of one of our university Palestinian protests were rounded up, loaded on a military transport and left to fend for themselves in President Bashar al-Assad’s Syria where women have no rights, gays are routinely hanged or murdered, and all, young and old must adopt Islam or perish. Women accused of infidelity are routinely stoned to death. Sharia law is unforgiving. See Goldstein

The greatest hoax ever, part one


Government & media lie #1 - The Jews Occupy Palestine
There is no country or nation called Palestine. There was once a region of the Middle East referred to as Palestine, ruled first by the Romans and later by the Ottomans, and following WWI, by the British and French. Various Arab tribes and following WWII Arab Nations occupied what had been the Palestinian region. There were no Palestinians – they had not been invented yet.

Government & media lie #2 – There are Palestinian civilians in Gaza.
Gaza is not a democracy. Gaza is controlled by Hamas terrorists who hold the population as human shields to protect their fighters from enemies. They are prisoners of war.

Government and media lie #3 – Israel violates the Rules of War.
Israel goes to extraordinary lengths to minimize non-combatant casualties which include the prisoners of war held by Hamas. Hamas violates the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war (PoWs).

Government and media lie #4 – Palestinians are in need of humanitarian aid.
The Geneva Convention on PoWs requires that if captured, they are to be sent back to their side as soon as possible. The Convention's 143 articles require that POWs be treated humanely, adequately housed, and receive sufficient food, clothing, and medical care. That is not happening in Gaza. Captives are abused and murdered. Hamas is not a nation and cannot be held to account.

Government and media lie #5 – Hamas has captured hostages.
Hamas ‘hostages’ are prisoners of war. They are held to protect Hamas terrorists and mistreated by Hamas in violation of the Geneva Convention. Hamas refuses to allow any neutral party to visit PoWs to verify their reasonable treatment.

Government and media lie #6 – Cease-fires are working.
Cease-fires work for Hamas, which can move PoWs around to make it harder for the IDF to find and release. Hamas also sets up ambushes for IDF troops.

Government and media lie #7 - Women and children are being killed by the IDF.
This is a breathtaking double standard and outright fiction. Various Iranian terrorist factions in Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank are raining rockets into Israel and those not intercepted by the IDF kill people indiscriminately, including women and children.

Government and Media lie #8 - the Red Cross is an honest broker.
During the 1982 IDF invasion of Southern Lebanon, designed to drive the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) out of the area, the Red Cross (aka the Red Crescent in some Arab states) was caught transmitting information on IDF positions and armaments to Hezbollah.

Government and media lie #9 – Palestinians have been around forever.
Palestinians are an invention of the Russian KGB under the direction of its chef agent, Yasser Arafat.
Palestinians were created by the PLO when it released its Charter in July 1964 – nearly 60 years ago and included clauses calling for the genocide of all residents if Israel. PLO supporters are advocating the genocide of Jews. What free democracy would even consider, let alone support genocide?
Do an search of the name Yasser Arafat to get an idea of his terrorist involvement.

Government and media lie #10 – Palestinians are victims of Western Nations' aggression.
The gambit is to convince us that we should be ashamed of ourselves for mistreating Palestinians and owe them a debt. World geopolitical strife has played a part, but there are many players, primarily enemies of Western Nations. The geopolitical wars rage on and power balances are shifting. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea are working together in a new axis of evil.

We are engaged in a battle between good and evil, with evil represented by Iran and its terrorist proxies. The young people parading in our streets screaming that we must free Palestine are woefully (and deliberately) ignorant of the history of the Middle East.

The Muslim Brotherhood, formed in 1926 is the worldwide intelligence arm of Iran, and long ago inserted itself in all aspects of Western democracies. Its aim is world domination. It is well-funded by billionaires bent on the destruction of democracies. The Brotherhood has grown increasingly militant and is the creator of Hamas.

In 1941 the Grand Mufti (Islamic Chief Cleric) met with various Nazi luminaries, including Hitler. His objective was to ally with Germany and Italy in their mutual hatred of Jews.

Hitler had a plan to extend the Holocaust to the Middle East and had allied with Arab nationalists. This is perhaps why Hitler met with the Mufti and provided him a budget of 750,000 Reichsmarks per month to foment a jihad in Palestine. The alliance did not alter Hitler’s racist views toward Arabs reflected in his refusal to shake the Mufti’s hand or drink coffee with him.

Take note – Hitler’s funding was aimed at creating a Jihad (Holy War) to disrupt nations in the region, specifically Israel. This disruption continues unabated in dozens of nations today.

Protests favouring Palestinians are turning against Christians, disrupting holiday shoppers and bypasses while turning on and attacking police officers trying to keep the peace. It is an expected extension of the hoax but saddening. Many people been taken in by unrelenting Iraqi propaganda. Iraq aims to keep us fractured and fighting one another instead of standing together to confront the evil it represents.

We never see references to the Muslim Brotherhood in any Western media. That is disgusting since it is active in most nations including Canada. We have a terrorist faction active in our population fomenting hatred of Jews. The Brotherhood is unwelcome in most Arab states as it is uncontrollable. Iran provided Hamas with about 60,000 fighters trained from infancy to delight in killing Jews and that led to the barbaric massacre of some 1,100 Israelis and the capture of hostages (prisoners of war) on October 6, 2023. In one day, we reverted to the Stone Age of 12,000 years ago.

Our safety and security as a nation have been compromised. It can happen here. I will write further on the Islamic Brotherhood soon. It is too complex to fully cover here.